Friday, May 23, 2014

A Proverbs 31 Woman's Letter to A Job 29 Man

My Job 29 Man,

I still have not given up hope on you and I know in my heart that you are seeking God earnestly because you have come to realize that I am hidden in HIS heart, which means He’s saving me for someone who is truly special: YOU! In the meantime, let me tell you the major things that you need to know and understand about me. I am a Godly woman who be keeping real when it comes to being true, kindhearted, faithful, and honest. I pray that you will be the one to treat and remind me that I am worth far more than diamonds or rubies. Understand that if you can have me then I’m NOT worth having. But trust me, I am valuable enough to know what I am worth.

I completely understood that you yearned to have someone like me who loves God more than you and THAT I respect because I yearned to have a man who love God more than me. I hope one day you will prove a point to others that I am not the most beautiful lady to be the wife to a lucky man, but to prove the point that I am most VIRTUOUS woman to a man that WAITS like Job. If you wonder why I more precious than any jewels, just know that I am far more precious to Jesus and my value to Him is far above jewels because He brought me with His own blood and gave Himself to me. Truthfully, I may be more precious than diamond, more valuable than rubies and pearls, I am more than a woman who is MORE THAN A CONQUEROR.

I’m a believer of being the right one for you because you’d rather have a woman who is clothed with strength and honor than a Victoria’s Secret model and the only reason I’m big is because a small body couldn’t store all this personality. As I continue to be the Lady-In-Waiting on You to be sent by God, I pray and I vowed to be the woman you need instead of being the woman who needs a man. I know it takes time but I hope, dream, and pray that you will be an intelligent man who will open my mind, a handsome man who will open my eyes, a gentleman who will open my heart, and an honest man who will open up to God.

I pray that you set a great example among real Godly men because I can NOT allow a man to dishonor me and disrespecting me because I am way too beautiful and too virtuous for that. I mean, for a man to cheat, lie, and deceive me is like choosing a cubic zirconia over a diamond. Also, I pray that you have hoped, dreamed, and prayed that I set great example among real women because you figured if more women sat down act like me, more guys would stand up and act like you.

I know that you know in your heart that I am worthy to be loved. Now, I may be either expensive, cheap, or priceless, but I’m valuable enough to know what I am worth. And yes, it’s true my LOVE DON’T COST A THING but it pays to be myself knowing that nothing is worth my dignity because I’m worth way more than rubies.

As I come to a conclusion while God is making preparations for me to you and you to me, I’m sending you a full-page letter, and I enclosed it with a kiss along with a prayer. And when I write you, I pray you’ll get it on time enough to put it in your heart.

Love always,
Your Proverbs 31 Woman

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