Sunday, July 6, 2014

Voice of a Ruby

I, too, come from the rough, rugged rock of coal
On the real deal anything glitters isn’t just me, silver and gold
I was the most vibrate gem to be born in the month of July
And as spiritually popular as I am, I was mentioned in the Bible numerous times

For one, I was one of the precious gems to be on the first row of the priest’s breastplate
I dazzled the future blessings for Zion by being made into battlements of the crystal gates
The top prophets Isaiah, Jeremiah, and Ezekiel have dealt with me diligently
But I was sparkled with great wisdom as I was told by Job and Solomon the King

Yes, I’m known to be the one with great costly glories, and prized treasure
I come in all valuable shapes and sizes way beyond measure
It’s true that your price is worth way more than me
Because honestly you know that I am not that cheap

There’s more to this story than what you think
So allow me to explain what really made me unique
I am the color of the blood that Christ shed for many
As precious you are to Him, He paid the price on Calvary

I wish that I would be the rarest one of them all
So all Proverbs 31 Women will be treated like me when they’re looking in the mirror on the wall
Whatever you do, don’t settle for rocks when the Master said that you are worth more than me

And remember you are virtuous to know that wisdom is far above yours truly, precious Ruby

Friday, May 23, 2014

A Proverbs 31 Woman's Letter to A Job 29 Man

My Job 29 Man,

I still have not given up hope on you and I know in my heart that you are seeking God earnestly because you have come to realize that I am hidden in HIS heart, which means He’s saving me for someone who is truly special: YOU! In the meantime, let me tell you the major things that you need to know and understand about me. I am a Godly woman who be keeping real when it comes to being true, kindhearted, faithful, and honest. I pray that you will be the one to treat and remind me that I am worth far more than diamonds or rubies. Understand that if you can have me then I’m NOT worth having. But trust me, I am valuable enough to know what I am worth.

I completely understood that you yearned to have someone like me who loves God more than you and THAT I respect because I yearned to have a man who love God more than me. I hope one day you will prove a point to others that I am not the most beautiful lady to be the wife to a lucky man, but to prove the point that I am most VIRTUOUS woman to a man that WAITS like Job. If you wonder why I more precious than any jewels, just know that I am far more precious to Jesus and my value to Him is far above jewels because He brought me with His own blood and gave Himself to me. Truthfully, I may be more precious than diamond, more valuable than rubies and pearls, I am more than a woman who is MORE THAN A CONQUEROR.

I’m a believer of being the right one for you because you’d rather have a woman who is clothed with strength and honor than a Victoria’s Secret model and the only reason I’m big is because a small body couldn’t store all this personality. As I continue to be the Lady-In-Waiting on You to be sent by God, I pray and I vowed to be the woman you need instead of being the woman who needs a man. I know it takes time but I hope, dream, and pray that you will be an intelligent man who will open my mind, a handsome man who will open my eyes, a gentleman who will open my heart, and an honest man who will open up to God.

I pray that you set a great example among real Godly men because I can NOT allow a man to dishonor me and disrespecting me because I am way too beautiful and too virtuous for that. I mean, for a man to cheat, lie, and deceive me is like choosing a cubic zirconia over a diamond. Also, I pray that you have hoped, dreamed, and prayed that I set great example among real women because you figured if more women sat down act like me, more guys would stand up and act like you.

I know that you know in your heart that I am worthy to be loved. Now, I may be either expensive, cheap, or priceless, but I’m valuable enough to know what I am worth. And yes, it’s true my LOVE DON’T COST A THING but it pays to be myself knowing that nothing is worth my dignity because I’m worth way more than rubies.

As I come to a conclusion while God is making preparations for me to you and you to me, I’m sending you a full-page letter, and I enclosed it with a kiss along with a prayer. And when I write you, I pray you’ll get it on time enough to put it in your heart.

Love always,
Your Proverbs 31 Woman

Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Am I Ready to Be a Godly Wife??? -- My Confession

               Honestly, there were times when I thought that I was ready to be a wife simply because I was desperate to get out of my comfort zone and be like the other girls who have done many things on their own just to have a happy life, and having thoughts like “If I ever get married, then maybe my mother would stop worrying about me so much and let me live my own life without her discouraging me just because I’m her only daughter.” I have to admit, I was naïve and didn’t have no idea what I was thinking because I didn’t really understood myself.

               For a while, I realize that I have plenty of time to find a husband other than just being lonely at times. I mean, as I look at married couples who lasted more than a year that gives me the heads up on what all I have to experience when my time comes to be a wife to my future husband. It’s true that I am young but still I need a little more time to prepare myself because that’s what God’s timing for: it’s for me to work on myself. If I don’t learn how to be alone enough to work on myself, I don’t know how I’ll be able to handle any marriage or relationship.

               Many say that I’m way too beautiful to be single and not have a husband. But I have to remind myself every day that I'm not single and I'm not taken. I'm simply on reserve for the one who deserves my heart because they say good things take time. I even prayed and asked God to prepare me to be a good Proverbs 31 Woman as He prepares me with a Job 29 Man, which means its best that I pray and make a vow not to be the woman who needs a man. But to be the woman a man needs.

               I have my crushes on a few guys but it’s important for me to go by a guy’s heart instead of his looks, voice, and smile. Why? Because it takes an intelligent man to open my mind, a handsome man to open my eyes, a gentleman to open my heart and a Job 29 Man to treat and remind me that I am worth more than rubies. In the meantime, I know my Boaz or my Job 29 Man is looking for me  but he  have to seek God earnestly to find me because I am hidden so deeply in HIS heart so all I have to do now is just have faith and be patient. As much as I want a God-fearing husband, I have to make sure I am virtuous enough to endure the marriage process. But as of right now, I am not fully prepared for it because I still need a little more time to pray and focus on becoming a better woman.

            God knows what He’s doing so I am going to continue trust Him with my impossibilities while I’m working on the possibilities.

God is Love,

Monday, May 19, 2014

A Proverbs 31 Woman’s Prayer

Dear Gracious Heavenly Father,
I thank you for creating me the woman who I am;
As the grass dries up, and flowers wither,
Your Word will forever stand.

Able me to know my worth of being a Godly woman,
As I continue to sing praises to You while I have my being;
Even though I have a gentle and quiet spirit with wisdom
Remind me that Your unconditional love is everlasting.

It is true that I am blessed to be the daughter of the King,
For to You, I’ve developed my heart, mind, body, and soul;
As I’m patiently waiting, prepare a Job 29 Man to treat me like a Queen,
And have him to realize that I’m more precious than gold.

Able me to be more talented with the skill of my gifted hands,
So I can commit all my works for You to make my dreams come true;
I’m still holding on to my faith as You preparing my plans,
I may not always understand, but I’ll never stop trusting You.

Make me virtuous to be worth more than rubies, diamonds, and pearls,
Teach me how to be generous sow good seeds;
Whatever you do, please don’t allow anyone dull my sparkle,
Because no job, nor jewels, nor anything is worth my dignity.

Clothe me with strength, honor, and modesty,
For I feared You to be saved with Amazing Grace that’s sufficient;
And even though I am more than a conqueror with honesty,
Mentor me to be more than a Proverbs 31 Woman!

In Jesus Name